Home Security Advice

Did you know that you are more likely to be a victim of burglary if you don’t have effective home security measures in place?

Many people will instantly think they need the latest hi-tech security cameras and burglar alarms to discourage unwanted intruders, as effective as they are in the fight against crime, most people overlook the basics of a solid door lock and secure window locks.

Check Your Locks

Initial steps to ensure safe home security include simple checks on your door and window locks. Make sure they’re locked, even if you’re just outside the house for a few moments or in the garden.

If you have UPVC door locks fitted, make sure they are snap-secure 3 star standard to comply with official guidance. Always double-lock UPVC doors by lifting on the handle and turning the key.

Keep your keys out of sight! Burglars can look through the letterbox at the table next to the door where you usually keep them. Many burglars will carry around a pole to fish them if they’re in easy reach. If this happens and your car is stolen, it can be difficult to prove forced entry to the insurance company.

With the growth of ‘key cloning’ it can be wise to keep keys upstairs or in a protective box away from doors and windows to ensure that a scanning device can’t be used to copy their code.

Externally Secure

A key physical deterrent is to make sure the fences around your property are secure and in good maintenance. Are your gates shut and locked? If a burglar can just walk in, they will. Do you have security lighting installed? This is another good visible deterrent as the majority of burglaries happen at night in the dark.

Make sure that if you have a burglar alarm that it is visible from the street. Although this won’t stop someone entering your home, burglars will usually go for the easiest targets. If your property has no visible audible deterrent then they will potentially choose this over a house that does have an alarm.

Neighborhood Watch

Build relationships with your neighbours and ask them to keep an eye out if you go away, this is considered one of the best forms of home security. Consider joining a local Neighborhood Watch group in your local area to keep up-to-date with any local crime developments and join like minded people who are concerned about the safety and security of their properties. If you do go away, it can be beneficial to use timer switches to turn on lights or radios on in your house to make it look like someone is in.

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